Sunday, March 19, 2017


   Well, it has been an edifying weekend.
    I have learned that the phrase two steps forward, one step back is truly applicable to stroke recovery.                                                                                                                                                         I have learned that driving home from the Fancy Pants school the next town over ( a drive that after 4 years, I should be able to do in my sleep), even with 2 other drivers in the car ready to take over should I fall out, is beyond my capabilities just yet.                                                                                     I have learned that overtaxing myself in that way produces sit straight up in the bed at 1:00 in the morning post stroke anxiety of epic proportions. I will let you know when it subsides.(I may have to resort to the green pill of oblivion to reset my nervous system)                                                                   I have learned that in a domino "no sleep" effect,  my brain reverts to swiss cheese.                               I have learned that it is tremendously mortifying to have to ask for assistance when using the self pay machine at the Teeter because you can't figure out where to put the money, even though you have done it a thousand times in your previous life.                                                                                             Subsequently, I have learned that I have retained the wherewithall to restrain myself, because I did not deck the woman in line behind me, who was loudly sighing and harumphing and muttering under her breath at my inability to move it along.
   I have learned that sometimes trips to Italy really can be planned on the fly....I have exactly one week to help Baby Girl get ready to return to the Au Pair world.
    I have learned that even though you are in the throes of the Sabbath morning "I am running late to work rush", it is NEVER advisable to take your morning meds with the dregs of your still hot coffee.
   I have learned that when a 5 year old Moppet announces in Sunday School during our Mindfulness Moment that he feels like a rainbow, your heart melts and your tank is filled, even though you feel like a dogs breakfast.
   And finally, I have learned that when you are on the phone with your Son in Africa, it is never a good thing when he says, "Do you want to hear about the exciting thing that happened to me today?" It is never the smart thing to assume that the words "exciting" and "great" are interchangeable.
   I also learned that there are Spitting Cobras in Africa, and that they really do raise up and flair out that thing behind their head, and that sometimes when they strike, they miss, and that they then slither away into the grass right beside the path that a certain Peace Corps Boy travels every day, and can't be found by villagers wielding hoes and other assorted weaponry.
   If you need me, I will be in the bed, nursing a raging bout of edification.

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