Monday, October 22, 2012

If I'm Lyin.....I'm Dyin.....

The Van is....well.....old....with high I, the queen of benign neglect when it comes to car maintenance, have finally come to realize that I must have the oil changed with regularity. Especially since the old gal (the car, not me) seems to be burning oil these days. So, with due diligence, I searched online until I found a good coupon for my favorite oil change place (a tire chain...just down the street from the house...). I called like a good girl and made an appointment, I arrived in a timely manner, and then...I commenced to waiting! I came prepared - with two books, seeing as how I was nearing the end of one. It was hot in the waiting room (I mean hotflash inducing hot), and the volume was too loud on the TV, but it wasn't very crowded, so I took a big sip of my Large Sonic drink, opened my book and prepared for a little quiet time(The TV not withstanding)....for the first 45 minutes, I got alot of reading done, and finished the 1st book. I then cracked open my well worn Harry Potter (Goblet of Fire), and took up where I had left off last week...My attention was diverted however, when I heard that beautiful know, the one that belongs to that actor that played President Palmer on "24"....the one that does the Allstate commercials. He was being interviewed on the Wendy Williams show, and Wendy had just challenged him to read the lyrics of that  annoying "Call me Maybe" song.....she wanted to know if he could make even that drivel sound sexy....he obliged, and of course did not disappoint! I chuckled out loud as they went to commercial break, and went back to Mr. Potter...immediately I was interrupted by another voice - this one, not so pleasant. It came from the other customer in the waiting room - a woman a little bit older than I. "I don't like to watch that Wendy Williams", she said. I replied " I've never really seen her show before...." "Yep", said the other woman " I don't like her - not one bit ....I'm pretty sure she's a man, so I don't watch her......I watch good The Young and the Restless......"  To quote Jerry Clower, If I'm lyin - I'm dyin........

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